Endodontics: what it is and in which cases it is used

Endodontics is the removal of the tissues inside the root canals of a tooth and their subsequent cleaning, shaping and filling.

The practice of the endodontic expert does not always consist of the removal of the pulp, but also tries, on some occasions, to maintain the vitality of the pulp, as well as to take care of the tissues around the tooth.

Endodontics is especially important in the treatment of teeth that suffer trauma and in permanent or definitive teeth that are young and have incompletely developed roots.

What is endodontics used for?

Endodontics is an intervention that is performed to try to preserve the tooth in the place it occupies in the dental arch, maintaining proper function.

Endodontics step by step

After locally anesthetizing the area, a cavity is made to access the inside of the tooth, for which prior X-rays will be required. The root canals are then cleaned and filled with a suitable material. Finally, a provisional and/or definitive filling is placed to close the cavity that had to be made to access the inside of the root canals when performing endodontics or to treat carious lesions.

Depending on the situation of the tooth, one or more sessions may be necessary.

When should an endodontic treatment be performed?

Endodontics should be performed in those cases in which there are symptoms such as:
– pain and sensitivity with cold and/or hot food or drinks.
– pain when chewing
– infections that can be seen externally or by radiographic scans
– cases of trauma to the teeth or surrounding tissues.
– in certain prosthetic and/or surgical treatments, where indicated.

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In many cases it is necessary to perform different tests to determine the diagnosis and the treatment/s to follow.

Oral care after endodontics

After endodontics the patient should follow the indications and care that the professional expert in dentistry and stomatology may suggest, such as:
– eating a soft diet for a few days.
– precise pharmacological treatment
– attending check-ups
– completing the necessary restorations after the endodontic treatment
