Vibia Sibina Technique, treatment against facial flaccidity

As the years go by, the supporting structures of the face are lost and the triangle of youth is inverted. The “Vibia Sabina” technique is a new technique in aesthetic medicine that fights facial flaccidity to achieve the “V effect”, lifting all the structures of the face and neck, through a collagen inductor.

The name of the technique honors the empress of the Roman Empire who influenced the fashion changes of the time by adopting simpler models inspired by Classical Greece, which causes the stylization of facial shapes, especially its harmonious and well-defined facial oval. Thus, the balance of the contour of the face is closely linked to the relationship established between the cheekbones, cheeks and oval; this balance brings beauty to our face.

Treatment against facial flaccidity: what does it consist of?

The “Vibia Sibina” technique is a personalized treatment that consists of three single injection points:

  • Upper third (the upper part of the cheekbones).
  • Middle third
  • Lower third (jaw)

Collagen is injected in these three areas in a linear, retrograde and fan-shaped way, in an upward direction, to go against gravity, so that when it stays in place a lifting effect is achieved that lasts over time. In some cases, sub stitches are also performed in the temporal area and in the area of the corner of the mouth. In this way, collagen is introduced in a specific way and adapted to the facial area, achieving the remodeling of the oval of the face that is lost over the years.

It is recommended to perform one to two sessions, with a difference of four weeks between them, since this is the time in which the formation of our own collagen is stimulated. This treatment is performed in the office and the patient can return to work and social life immediately, showing a harmonious and natural face.

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The results are visible from the first moment, so it is very rewarding for the patient thanks to the lifting effect of calcium hydroxyapatite, which acts as an inducer of our own collagen.