Belkyra: definitive treatment to eliminate double chin fat

The Belkyra treatment allows to treat the cervicomentonian area, commonly known as double chin, eliminating excess fat, refining and redefining the profile. Dr. Natalia Ribé, a renowned specialist in Aesthetic Medicine and in the approach of the technique, offers the details.

What is submental fat or double chin fat?

Submental fat is a problem that derives from the accumulation of subcutaneous fat under the chin. It has certain characteristics:

  • It is a type of fat that is located under the chin and can affect both women and men, usually caused by aging processes, genetics or weight gain.
  • It is a fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, and can make people think they look older or heavier than they really are. A double chin can be part of a person’s DNA.
  • Submental fat can have a negative impact on a person’s self-esteem and daily life, even affecting their career.
  • Some people adopt strategies to camouflage the double chin by wearing turtleneck sweaters, growing a beard or avoiding having their picture taken.

What is Belkyra and how does it work on double chin fat?

Belkyra is a formulation of deoxycholic acid (DCA) of no human or animal origin. This acid is a cytolytic agent; that is, it is related to the process of cytolysis or destruction of fat cells. Thus, when injected subcutaneously, it alters the membranes of adipocytes (fat cells), causing the irreversible rupture of the cell (adipocytolysis).

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How many sessions are necessary with Belkyra and what results does it offer?

Two sessions are usually necessary in each case, although it will always depend on the recommendations of the Aesthetic Medicine specialist and the patient’s expectations.

After several studies, a grade 1 improvement has been observed after 2, 3 and 4 treatments, respectively. Up to 6 individual treatments can be administered at intervals of no less than one month.

Before each treatment, a small amount of local anesthesia is applied to minimize discomfort and, after the treatment, local ice, oral analgesics (if necessary), and the patient should avoid alcohol and salty foods are recommended.