Take a closer look at skin cancer: prevention, causes and treatment

Melanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer and although the number of cases in Spain and other Western countries is increasing, advances in the field of research are increasingly encouraging, both in diagnosis and in the better understanding of the causes of this tumor. In addition, melanoma is a neoplasm that can be prevented by changing sun exposure habits from childhood.

Skin cancer: types, diagnosis and treatment

The main skin cancers are, in order of frequency, basal cell and squamous cell skin carcinomas and melanoma. Of all malignant skin tumors, melanoma is the most malignant. In addition, there are other less common malignant tumors such as cutaneous lymphoma or dermatofibrosarcoma.

Melanoma is the most aggressive, because it can spread to other organs at a distance with great ease and also melanoma proves to be very resistant to conventional treatments.

The ABCDE rule has been used to describe when a lesion may require a consultation with a dermatology physician to rule out melanoma. These initials stand for Asymmetry, Irregular Borders, Multiple Colors, Diameter greater than 5 mm, and Evolution, which represent changes in color or size.

The main environmental cause of melanoma is ultraviolet radiation. In addition, there are also genetic factors that increase the risk of melanoma. Factors that increase the risk include having a high number of moles, light or red hair and fair skin.

Skin cancer, prognosis

This type of cancer is increasing both in Spain and in Europe the incidence of melanoma is growing notably. However, when the diagnosis is early the prognosis is very favorable with a simple treatment based on the removal of the lesion. When the diagnosis is delayed or when the tumor has spread, the probability of cure is reduced.

In Spain, melanoma cases are more serious than desirable. The thickness of the tumor is usually greater than in other developed European countries. Therefore, we must make an effort to improve and reduce these data.

Skin cancer recurrence

Once surgery has been performed, according to treatment guidelines, local recurrence is not frequent. However, the tumor can reappear in the form of metastases in the lymph nodes or in other distant organs. The risk of this happening is directly linked to the time of diagnosis and therefore early detection is essential.

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In cases with early stages a simple excision under local anesthesia is sufficient. More advanced melanoma may require more complex surgery. In the case of metastasis, the treatments to be applied are radiotherapy and methods with immunotherapy drugs, target therapies or chemotherapy.

Skin cancer and surgery

All melanomas require surgery. This may involve the skin or also the lymph nodes. In some cases, metastases are treated. The sequelae, in addition to scarring, depend on the type of intervention, although surgical techniques are increasingly obtaining better results with a reduction in risks and sequelae for the patient.

Skin cancer, risk factors

Excessive exposure to the sun on the skin contributes to the appearance of many alterations, from aging to the manifestation of different tumors, including skin cancers.

Inadequate nutrition causes many health problems, in addition to affecting the skin. When there is a lack of vitamins, diseases arise that can become serious. Smoking causes noticeable aging of the skin.

On the other hand, we must take care of our skin throughout the year. In winter, the sun can also cause accumulated exposure, especially in outdoor professions such as farm workers, fishermen, gardeners or construction workers. In these cases, adequate protection should be provided all year round. In winter, the practice of some sports such as skiing also requires adequate protection.

During the summer, the basic advice is to avoid sunburn, reduce exposure at midday, between 12 and 16 hours, use appropriate clothing and sunscreens. The latter should be applied properly.

Skin cancer research

There are many advances that are very encouraging, in diagnosis, in the knowledge of the causes and of the tumor itself. Increasingly, it is possible to locate these tumors at earlier stages with non-invasive microscopy methods and imaging techniques.

On the other hand, some of the most spectacular innovations refer to new treatments that manage to improve response results and extend survival, even in advanced cases.