The importance of checking for skin blemishes

Everyone has skin blemishes because they are a normal process of getting older. However, there are times when these spots can be a sign of something more worrisome.

Dermatology specialists insist that it is important to check the skin regularly for suspicious spots. They recommend doing so at least once a month and, if in doubt, contact a specialist.

What to look for in skin spots?

  • Spots that have changed in size, color or shape
  • Are different from the rest
  • Are asymmetrical
  • Are rough to the touch
  • Are multi-colored
  • Are larger than 6mm
  • Itchy
  • Bleed
  • Have a shiny surface
  • Look like a wound but do not heal

Any change in the size, shape, color, surface, or other characteristic of the spots may indicate a suspicious lesion. In addition, a new sign of bleeding or crusting or a symptom such as itching may also indicate this.

People at risk for skin spots

Skin cancer is more common in people over 50 years of age or in people who have had prolonged and/or intense sun exposure. However, melanoma can also affect young adults.

People who have a higher risk of skin cancer are those who:

  • Have fair skin
  • Burn easily in the sun
  • Have suffered from sunburns in childhood
  • Spend many hours in the sun, either for work or for leisure.
  • Are exposed to the sun intensively for short periods of time, for example during vacations
  • use tanning booth treatments, such as UVA or artificial sun
  • Have more than 50 moles
  • Have a family history of skin cancer
  • Are organ transplant recipients.
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How to prevent skin cancer

90% of skin cancers have an excellent prognosis, but this requires early diagnosis. A dermatologist should be consulted as soon as a suspicious lesion is detected.

To prevent skin cancer, some considerations must be taken into account:

  • Extreme sun protection measures for children. It is necessary to use sunscreen over 30, a T-shirt and a cap.
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun in the central hours of the day, that is to say, between 12h and 16h.
  • Avoid sunburn.
  • Protect skin and eyes with a cap, T-shirt and sunglasses.
  • Apply sunscreen every two hours.
  • Avoid the use of tanning booths (UVA/artificial sun).