Ozone therapy, a solution to alleviate knee pain

Treatment with ozone therapy can alleviate knee pain. This joint is one of the joints in which ozone therapy is best applied and after 4 or 5 sessions the patient already begins to notice the change, because the cartilage begins its recovery process.

Therefore, not only the problem is solved at a symptomatic level, but also in a regenerative way.

What does the ozone therapy treatment consist of?

In the case of the knee, ozone therapy treatment consists of filtering ozone directly into the joint. Through these infiltrations, the ozone expands and begins to work from the first moment.

During the first 5 weeks of treatment, the patient will have one infiltration every week. After the first 5 weeks, the sessions will be postponed until the treatment is completed.

The pain disappears completely, since the recovery of the affected area is guaranteed. If after some time the patient feels slight discomfort again, a few more sessions can be given again to bring the knee back to its optimal state, thus avoiding a new degeneration.

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