Rosacea: how to treat it correctly?

Rosacea is a very common chronic inflammatory skin disease, which begins to manifest itself around the age of 30, mainly in fair-skinned women (although more severe cases occur in men) with intermittent redness and hypersensitivity of the skin of the face, It may affect the cheeks and nose (most frequent manifestations), and also the forehead, chin and even the eyes, which usually evolves into an erythematous phase, with the redness becoming more permanent and telangiectasias (visible vascular dilatations) appearing.

Outbreaks of papules (pimples) and pustules (pimples with pus) may appear in the papulo-pustular phase and, in more extreme and evolved cases, nasal deformation, rhinophyma phase, may appear.

The skin becomes very reactive and responds to changes in temperature, especially heat, spicy foods, large meals, alcohol (especially wine, because it is a great vasodilator) and sun exposure, with uncontrolled vasodilation, which increases blood flow and is manifested by redness and heat on the face.

What are the causes of this condition?

The cause is not known, but it is known that there are several factors involved such as:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Alteration of the microorganisms that inhabit our skin, such as the demodex folliculorum mite.
  • Certain foods (spicy, spices…)
  • Alcohol intake, especially wine.
  • Sun exposure
  • Sudden changes in temperature
  • Staying near sources of intense heat (oven, sauna…),
  • Stress and emotional disturbances
  • Hormonal factors
  • The use of certain unsuitable cosmetics
  • Sebaceous hypersecretion

All these factors lead to inflammation of the skin, alteration of the skin barrier function and uncontrolled vasodilation of the capillaries, making the skin intolerant and reactive.

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What cosmetic treatments can correct rosacea?

Rosacea has no cure, but outbreaks can be treated and it is very important to prevent them by taking daily care of the skin with specific creams and cleansers for skin with rosacea, applying sunscreens, as well as avoiding other products that may not be tolerated by this type of skin; avoiding as much as possible aggravating factors such as heat, sun, alcohol and everything that can cause congestion in the face.

It is important to study each case and the factors involved in each of them in order to be able to act on them and to prescribe the appropriate treatment. It will be necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment: medical, cosmetic and sometimes of appliances (for example, pulsed light or IPL) and to be disciplined and constant.

Outbreaks should be treated in the doctor’s office with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and soothing pharmacy preparations.

Other complementary treatments such as pulsed light application (IPL) achieve great results in patients with rosacea.

What are the results like?

The results in patients who are consistent and disciplined are spectacular and a fabulous improvement in the health of the skin is achieved, which manifests itself in beautiful skin.