BodyTite: liposuction without surgery

The BodyTite technique is an advanced minimally invasive body and facial reshaping treatment. It achieves results that were previously only possible with traditional liposuction.

This treatment uses RFAL technology, i.e. radiofrequency assisted lipolysis, which dissolves and eliminates excess localized fat. Recovery takes a minimum of time, in a single session and with minimal scarring. In addition, it has three different sized cannulas to treat different areas of the body.

What does this treatment consist of?

Before starting the treatment, the Plastic Surgery specialist will delimit the areas of the body to be treated and will apply a gel that will help to slide the external cannula easily. A small incision is then made in an inconspicuous place on the body to introduce a thinner cannula into the adipose tissue, heating the fat until it liquefies, as well as contracting the subdermal tissue and skin.

The procedure is performed in the operating room under local anesthesia or sedation.

Who is it indicated for?

BodyTite is especially indicated for patients who want to eliminate localized fat and flaccidity in any part of the body, such as abdomen, flanks, knees, arms, thighs, etc.

However, the doctor will personally analyze the possible contraindications during the first consultation.

Multiple applications of BodyTite

The BodyTite technique can be applied to different areas of the body:

  • FaceTite is the complete tightening solution for the face and small areas of the body. It is specially designed for:
    • Facial skin tightening and wrinkle reduction.
    • Jawline, perioral area, nasolabial folds, upper eyelid, neck and jowls. Define the facial oval.
    • Small body areas with flaccidity or localized fat such as brachioplasty, knees and navel.
  • Accutite is designed to treat very small areas of the body that require maximum precision such as:
    • Hands
    • Biceps
    • Underarm
    • Neck
    • Jowls
    • Nasolabial fold
    • Upper and lower eyelids
    • Eyebrows
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Benefits of Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL)

  • Shorter treatment time and the possible risks of surgery are minimized, since it is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Significant skin tightening effect
  • Safe and highly effective treatment.
  • A single session.
  • Surgical results with minimal scarring.
  • Fast recovery.


Results can be seen immediately, with continuous improvement over the next 3 to 6 months.

The scars will be practically invisible, since, as we said, this procedure is minimally invasive.


As it is a minimally invasive procedure and in most cases is ambulatory, i.e. it does not require hospitalization, it allows a quick return to daily activities.

The time of medical leave will depend on the treatment area and each patient, but it usually ranges between 1 and 2 days and a maximum of 10 days.

Post-treatment care

It is advisable to wear a compression garment:

  • During the first 3 weeks: 22/24 hours
  • During the following 3 weeks: 12/24 hours (day or night, preferably day).
  • In the case of neck treatment: 24 hours for 3-5 days and then 7 days at night only.
  • In the case of treatment on the face, compression is not necessary.

Oral treatment with collagen and vitamin C during the following months, minimum 3 months. To enhance results.

In the event that the patient practices sports, he/she should suspend it during the first 10 days after the intervention.