70 million children could suffer from obesity in the next few years

Overweight and obesity are an epidemic that affects 39% of children in Spain and 42 million worldwide. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is expected that childhood obesity will multiply in the coming years to reach 70 million.

What foods should be fundamental in a child’s diet?

All foods are important: dairy products, fruits and vegetables, legumes, meat, fish and eggs as well as cereals and nuts. It is also essential to adapt the size of the portions to the physical activity and the age of the child as well as to distribute the intakes in five meals. It is of great importance to have a complete breakfast that includes dairy products and cereals, being able to add some fruit or protein.

How many hours of sport is recommended for a child?

It is advisable to lead an active lifestyle by engaging in some form of physical activity. This implies movement, for example, walking if possible, playing with other children in the park, at school, and doing family leisure activities outdoors. This recommendation would be daily. Furthermore, the practice of any sport has a positive impact on child development, not only in the prevention of obesity, but also in socialization and as a transmitter of values.

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Is the Mediterranean diet being lost among the so-called “junk food”?

In school canteens an effort is being made to follow the Mediterranean dietary patterns, but this habit should also be followed at home. The healthy eating style is acquired mainly in childhood and the family should be the transmitter of the same. It is important to put health first when making dietary plans for children and not allow them to make their own dietary choices.

How can a nutritionist help the parents of a child with obesity?

A nutritionist can play a very important role in family nutrition education. Through the preparation of dietary plans adjusted to the needs of children, he/she can treat possible pathologies where food plays a fundamental role: obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and intolerances.