Pediatric Ophthalmology

What is Pediatric Ophthalmology?

Pediatric ophthalmology is the medical specialty that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases that affect the eyes and visual health of children. Also known as pediatric ophthalmology, this specialty deals with eye care during the developmental years of children. Ophthalmologic care is essential during childhood, since these are the years in which some visual problems appear and develop, which must be diagnosed as soon as possible in order to treat them and guarantee good vision during growth. Children’s eyes are constantly growing until they are about 8 years old.

What diseases does children’s ophthalmology treat?

Like ophthalmology, children’s ophthalmology treats any disease that affects the patient’s eyes and vision. In this case, the most common pathologies are congenital diseases, amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, strabismus, inflammations and infections. It has been demonstrated that an important part of school failures are due to visual problems that have not been correctly diagnosed and treated, causing learning problems when they most need to learn and develop their abilities.

Ophthalmologist check-ups are essential throughout childhood.

When is it necessary to see a pediatric ophthalmologist?

Ophthalmologist check-ups are essential throughout childhood. In the first months of life, an ophthalmologic examination can detect serious diseases such as retinoblastoma. From the first year and up to 4 years of age, strabismus and ocular motility problems are diagnosed in particular. From the age of 4 years, the refractive visual disorders of myopia and hyperopia are the most treated, in addition to the prevention of amblyopia or lazy eye. Up to 15 years of age, annual check-ups are necessary to verify the stability of the graduation and the development of the ocular organs.