Application of the PnK method against obesity

Overweight and obesity are two growing problems in our society, which have been reinforced, among other reasons, by the economic crisis. Poor eating habits and lack of exercise have become increasingly prevalent worldwide. Faced with this situation, prevention and the help of professionals in the sector is key to avoid or combat it.

Obesity is an incurable chronic disease, but it can be controlled. Its prevalence is increasing and, today, we can speak of a worldwide pandemic. Prevention is the key. We must make people aware, starting with families and including schools, of the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and transmitting the fact that overweight is often linked to serious diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

We must promote a balanced, Mediterranean diet with the right proportions of the different nutrients. It is very important that there is a balance between the calories we provide and the calories we consume. In addition, physical activity is one of the fundamental pillars to treat obesity. In our center, Clínica Sarabia, we have a free gym during the diet of our patients.

From an aesthetic problem to a health problem

When we talk about excess weight, we refer to a body mass index (BMI) above 25 and, at that moment, we have to start acting. We must not lose sight of the fact that excess weight is always a health problem, especially when the fat is located in the abdominal area.

Application of the Pronokal-PnK method

Our clinic is a pioneer in the Pronokal-PnK method. A medical weight loss treatment, specifically designed to solve lipoinflammation, helping to lose weight effectively and safely in the short term, and not to regain the lost weight.

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The main difference with other diets is that weight loss is faster, in addition to helping the non-recovery of lost weight, from short and long term. Empathy and care with the patient is vital, so the treatment includes psycho-emotional support by the specialist.