Coconut oil, water and algae, three foods with great properties

There are a number of foods currently known as “superfoods” because of their numerous health-promoting properties. Dr. Martin, specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics, explains when and how to take coconut oil, water and algae.

Coconut oil: antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties

Coconut oil is considered one of the healthiest oils, despite its high saturated fat content. Unlike saturated fats of animal origin, these contain medium chain triglycerides and positively affect the “good” cholesterol (HDL). In fact, more and more studies are showing that it is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Composed of more than 50% lauric acid, coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut oil can be used raw or for cooking. Its delicious flavor gives a special touch to desserts, curries and other dishes. It is also an excellent natural cosmetic for skin and hair.

It is important to always choose extra virgin oil and not to exceed in the quantities: like any other fat, it is very caloric, 1 tablespoon provides 100 kcal.

Finally, it is not advisable to replace olive oil with coconut oil in your diet, as olive oil is still the number one healthy fat to be consumed daily.

Water, how much and when to drink?

To maintain the correct water balance, it is advisable to drink about 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. On very hot days you will probably want to drink more. If you practice intense sports that make you sweat, it is important to drink an extra 1 liter of water for every hour of exercise.

But when is the best time to drink 6-8 glasses of water during the day?

A glass of warm water in the morning, about 15-20 minutes before breakfast, helps to kick-start our metabolism, eliminate toxins and purify the stomach. Half a liter of water before main meals helps to better control appetite and stimulates the metabolism, which will help burn extra calories throughout the day. Drink a little water during meals only if you are thirsty, and try to avoid drinking water for 1 hour after eating so as not to dilute the digestive juices.

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If it is difficult to drink pure water, it can be flavored by adding mint leaves, cucumber and lemon slices, ginger or fruit.

Algae: a superfood with great properties

Seaweed is considered a “superfood” because of its high concentrations of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, as well as antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and high quality vegetable protein. They are low in fat, very nutritious and their consumption in small quantities contributes nutrients to the health of bones and teeth, prevents anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

It is good to experiment and discover different ways of cooking seaweed: raw, fermented, cooked and fried.

Nori seaweed, dulse, wakame and sea lettuce can be eaten in salads, soups and side dishes. Portions should be small so as not to exceed the recommended daily dose of iodine. Spirulina algae powder can be added to juices and smoothies. The kombu or hiziki algae contribute a good flavor to the stews and soften the vegetables.

It should be noted that in the case of some autoimmune and thyroid diseases, regular intake of seaweed may be contraindicated. It is important to consult with your doctor if you are taking anticoagulants and medication for hypertension.