Does snoring imply sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that often goes unnoticed and can cause from annoying problems for daily life to very serious problems in the most severe cases. It consists in stopping breathing repeatedly during the sleep phase.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

The most common symptom is tiredness when waking up in the morning and sleepiness during some phases of the day. It is as if we have not been able to rest during the night.

Is all snoring a symptom of sleep apnea?

Not all snoring leads to apnea, but it is one of the most common signs. If you snore, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

What are the risk factors?

Obesity, age and being male are some of the most common risk factors for sleep apneas. In the most severe cases it is common to find anatomical factors that prevent proper airflow and cause severe obstruction.

Is sleep apnea associated with any other disease, such as obesity, or tobacco and alcohol consumption?

In obese men the prevalence of apnea is very high. More fat is deposited in the neck area which favors the obstruction of the air passage. Of course, tobacco and alcohol consumption favor an irritation of the mucosa and decrease the possibility of waking up during apnea.

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How is sleep apnea treated?

The first diagnostic step should be to perform a polysomnography. This diagnostic test helps us to differentiate between the causes of sleep apnea and to be able to plan a treatment to cure it. Solutions can range from wearing a CPAP to oral devices to correct milder cases.

What are the risks if left untreated?

As apnea consists of a lack of oxygen to the brain, it most likely increases in the long term the possibility of a stroke, increased blood pressure, heart attack or coronary heart disease. It is also often accompanied by daytime fatigue, loss of concentration, moodiness or even depression.

For more information on sleep apnea, its symptoms and various characteristics, consult a specialist.