Planning and Guided Surgery in Implantology

Guided Planning and Surgery allows us to obtain a perfect analysis of the patient’s anatomy and to perform precision surgery in the placement of dental implants, reducing the possibility of treatment error.

Indications and advantages of Guided Surgery:

– It allows to assess special situations with little bone volume or nerve structures or maxillary sinuses in limit situation.

– In cases of complete rehabilitations, it provides the spatial and three-dimensional relationship.

– We can place angled implants when necessary, for example, in front of and behind the sinus to avoid sinus elevation.

– In cases of dental or mucosal support splints we can avoid incisions and perform minimally invasive surgery.

– We can perform an accurate esthetic analysis, knowing from the position of the implant its emergence with respect to the future crown.

Limitations of Guided Surgery:

-If there is a limitation in the oral opening, the procedure may not be indicated. We must calculate the size of the splint and drills in relation to the opening.

-In cases of very thick gingiva and the alveolar ridge at a distance from the gingiva, the procedure may be less precise.

Reliability of Guided Surgery

Guided surgery allows implant placement in special situations such as angled implants, low bone situations and minimally invasive surgery. But safety margins must be maintained with respect to anatomical structures, distance between implants, distance from implant to bone margins, and other considerations. Even if we use splints, we cannot place implants if there is no bone.

Guided surgery is a reliable and accurate system, but it must be used judiciously and with safety margins.