Blepharoplasty, the combination of aesthetics and health

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at improving the functional or aesthetic defects of the eyelids. It is an intervention that can be upper (in the case of upper eyelid surgery), lower (in the case of lower eyelid surgery) or mixed when both eyelids are involved.

To treat the upper eyelids, we remove the excess skin that sometimes makes it difficult to open the eye, and we also usually remove the unsightly bags present in older patients, all through a scar that is perfectly concealed and almost invisible. The fat bags of the lower eyelids are removed through a conjunctival incision, which provides a quick recovery and an excellent aesthetic result.

Blepharoplasty for aesthetics or for health?

We are talking about an intervention that combines aesthetics and health. Many times patients have real difficulty opening their eyes due to excess skin or even have lost the shape of the eye due to excess bag. In addition to improving patients’ quality of life, blepharoplasty rejuvenates the gaze and corrects alterations that hinder the visual field.

Patients improve their aesthetic appearance in a simple way and can also benefit from the visual improvement when they have a lot of excess skin or defects in the opening of the eyelids.

Risks of blepharoplasty

As in any plastic surgery intervention, we must select the patient well so that the procedure is very comfortable and of quick social and labor recovery. The rest during the first days will make the effusion, inflammation and initial discomfort typical of the procedure, will last only 4 or 5 days.