Immediate load dental implants: more benefits than risks

Immediate load dental implants allow fixed teeth to be placed on implants on the same day or within a few days. They have great functional, psychological and social benefits.

What do immediate load dental implants consist of?

Immediate load or function implants allow us to go from a mouth without teeth or with severely defective teeth to a mouth with new fixed teeth in a matter of hours.

Immediate loading involves the placement of fixed teeth on the implants the same day or a few days after placing the implants. These teeth are usually provisional or transitory in most cases, and are worn during the process called osseointegration (a period of two or three months during which the bone and gum heal after the implants are placed). Once this time has elapsed, the final teeth are produced.

Benefits of immediate load dental implants compared to other implants

According to experts in dentistry and stomatology, the benefits are important, both from a functional and psychological point of view.
It should be taken into account that, if we do not use immediate loading, the people to whom we place the implants are forced to have no teeth during the waiting period, or to wear uncomfortable prostheses that have to be put in and taken out. Immediate loading greatly improves people’s lives during this phase of treatment, since they can eat more comfortably.

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And, from the psychological and social point of view, the fact of having fixed teeth from the first moment greatly facilitates social relations and, obviously, quickly improves self-esteem.

What type of patients can undergo immediate load dental implants?

In principle, immediate loading can be performed in most situations. What will condition the possibility of performing immediate loading is that we can place the implants in the appropriate locations and that, when placed, the implants are sufficiently solid or stable.

Risks of immediate loading dental implants

Immediate loading is an extremely safe treatment modality, provided that the case has been well studied and the clinical procedure is carried out rigorously. Of course, experience is a more important factor than when the treatment is done using conventional protocols.

Some situations, such as the replacement of individual teeth, require greater cooperation from the patient during the waiting or osseointegration phase.