Learn about bruxism, why it occurs and how to deal with it

Bruxism or teeth grinding is a parafunctional movement, usually involuntary, in which the teeth are clenched tightly. It occurs most frequently at night and is usually related to stress. The consequences: pressure on the teeth, with fractures, loosening and loss of tooth enamel, as well as tooth wear and headache.

What is bruxism and why does it occur?

Bruxism, known as “grinding” of the teeth, is the involuntary movement of clenching the teeth. It is a parafunctional movement, such as severe tooth contact, distinct from chewing and swallowing.

People with bruxism strongly clench their teeth with or without displacement, most of the time unconsciously producing wear or cracking of the teeth. It is multifactorial in origin, although its main trigger is psychological and its repercussions affect the field of dentistry.

Times when bruxism is accentuated

Bruxism can occur during the day or at night. The most frequent is related to sleep. It should be noted that bruxism can be chronic, or it can have periods of exacerbation depending on the patient’s circumstances, for example, periods of stressful work, or students in exam periods.
It is most accentuated at night as it is unconscious and is mainly associated with stress and sleep disturbances. In general, the patient with nocturnal bruxism is not aware of the problem and it is usually the bed or roommates who alert the patient, alarmed by the dental noise, as well as the dentists, who will observe the destruction of the enamel and dentin.

Groups that usually suffer from bruxism

Due to the pace of life we lead in our modern society, bruxism is a problem that affects more and more people, both sexes equally and at all ages. However, it is observed that the most frequent age of onset is between 17 and 20 years of age. Spontaneous remission usually occurs after the age of 40, in cases of chronic bruxism, although it can disappear on its own at any time.

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Consequences of bruxism for the dentition

This parafunction produces great pressure and force on the teeth, causing fractures, loosening and loss of tooth enamel. It can also cause the teeth to become more sensitive to hot or cold foods and liquids. When bruxism is diagnosed early, it can be treated before it causes permanent damage to the teeth. Apart from tooth wear, it can also cause headaches and pain in the jaw muscles, neck and ear.

Bruxism treatment and results

The treatment of bruxism requires a correct diagnosis of the causes of this condition which, in many occasions, can be reduced or eliminated.
With a proper dental examination, your dentist will determine the potential cause of bruxism and according to the dental damage and cause, may indicate the use of a dental splint while you sleep, made by your dentist with an exact fit in your mouth. This is placed over one of the dental arches acting as a protector, but it is not the total solution to the problem. You should look for ways to relax, since stress seems to be the main cause of bruxism; anything that effectively reduces stress can help: listening to music, reading, walking or taking a bath, for example.
High spots on the teeth can also be removed to adjust the bite. Likewise, an uneven bite, where the teeth do not articulate, can also be corrected with new restorations, crowns or orthodontic treatment.