Facial rejuvenation: tensor threads

What are tensor threads?

The tensor threads are a facial contour remodeling treatment with two synergistic actions:

  • tissue repositioning
  • gradual skin regeneration

In addition, due to their composition, they produce a progressive increase in collagen remodeling, which enhances the mechanical traction generated by the cones, thus lifting the tissues and preventing the sagging process.

What are the applications of the tensor threads?

The treatment is specifically indicated for the mandibular contour.

It achieves a relocation of sagging skin and a stimulation of collagen production, inducing a regenerative effect.

The threads are made of 100% biocompatible material and are totally reabsorbable.

Moreover, without the need for surgery, in only 30 minutes and with natural results.

Can hematomas appear after the surgery?

There is always the possibility of a hematoma appearing and, although it does not usually happen, if inflammation appears it is very discreet.

What results can I expect after treatment?

  1. Lifts the tissues preventing the process of facial sagging.
  2. Improvement of flaccidity

The visibility of improvement is immediate, but the definitive results appear when collagen is created around the thread (between 1 or 2 months after treatment).

Post-treatment considerations

During the first week after treatment it is recommended to avoid excessive body exercise and exaggerated facial movements.