What is the Brazilian butt lift?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic surgery that is increasingly in demand. It mainly consists of an increase in volume and a modeling of the shape of the buttocks with the use of autologous fat, that is to say, fat from the patient himself.

This is a very appropriate option to improve the body contour due to the double advantage it presents, since fat is extracted from an area where there is excess and is used to fill another area where more volume is desired, in this case the buttocks.

This is achieved without scarring or discomfort for patients, with the added advantage that no synthetic materials are used as the usual silicone prostheses.

The BBL is a technique that is especially recommended in cases of women with few curves, with fatty tissue accumulated in areas such as abdomen, legs or buttocks and with little volume in the buttocks. In addition, it is possible to perform this technique combining fat and prosthesis, achieving the desired volume in those cases in which the amount of fat is insufficient or because it is more appropriate to the needs of the patient.

What is the Brazilian butt lift procedure like?

It is a simple technique in the hands of an experienced specialist. It lasts about two hours and can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation, although it will depend on the areas treated.

First, a liposuction is performed to extract the fat from the donor area and once extracted, it is infiltrated through small incisions in the recipient area, that is, in this case, the buttocks. During the first month after the procedure, between 30% to 50% of the grafted fat will be lost, but the rest will remain in the area and will behave as if it had always been there. The result is permanent, as long as the patient does not suffer a significant change in weight.

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The donor areas are usually the abdomen and back, so the improvement of the body contour is significant, as the waist is narrowed and a more feminine figure is achieved.

In the BBL the postoperative period is quite fast, although a compressive garment must be worn for about a month and it is recommended to support or sit as little as possible during that period. Lymphatic drainage and massage are beneficial to maximize the results. The patient will usually be able to return to her daily activities after about 15 days.

Brazilian Butt Lift, a trend in cosmetic surgery

The Brazilian butt lift has become a trend and will remain so for years to come. This became evident during the 6th Live Surgery Course Marbella, which was attended by prestigious international surgeons and in which a large number of cases on body contouring were presented.

It is worth mentioning the importance of Body-Jet or Aqualipo, since when performing water pressure assisted liposuction, the damage when extracting the fat is less, thus increasing its quality.

It is also impossible to deny that in recent times there has been much talk about the buttocks of celebrities, drawing attention to the volume of the buttocks of celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé or Kim Kardashian. Dr. Alexo Carballeira is increasingly performing this procedure, with very satisfactory and natural results.