Five questions about breast prostheses

Types of breast implants

Basically say that there are two types of implants:

  1. Round.
  2. Anatomical (drop-shaped).

Breast augmentation is not only a question of volume, but of proportions of the breast itself and of the breast with the thorax. It is not just a question of adding 250 or 300 ml to the volume of the breast.

Anatomical implants allow us to choose the height, width and projection, which we consider most appropriate to obtain the best result. Some surgeons do not use them because they are more difficult to place and more expensive.

What is the postoperative period for breast augmentation like?

The discomfort after breast augmentation surgery depends on where the implant is placed; in submuscular position the pain due to pressure of the implant on the pectoralis major lasts about 4-5 days, discomfort that improves with analgesia and muscle relaxant. On the other hand, the subfascial implant is not very painful and the incorporation to daily life is much faster.

Another concern of patients is the scar left by the intervention. Plastic Surgeons try to make scars inconspicuous and with fine sutures, and that makes that over time these are little apparent, in the case of augmentation mammoplasty and depending on where the implant is placed may be located in:

  • The groove of the breast.
  • The areola.
  • The axilla.
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Could there be alterations in the sensitivity of the breast after a mammoplasty?

Like all surgeries, breast augmentation involves some side effects that may occur, although their frequency is very low, it is usually temporary.

Do breast prostheses interfere with breastfeeding?

When the implant is in a submuscular location, and is inserted through the mammary groove, breastfeeding is not altered, however in implants placed through the areola and in a subgladular plane, yes, since some milk ducts (ducts that carry milk) can be sectioned, preventing or hindering breastfeeding.

After pregnancy, how does having a breast prosthesis affect a patient?

The changes in breast volume that occur at this stage do not affect the implant, although after breastfeeding some breasts fall, as happens when they do not have implants.