The figure of the COVID-19 supercontagion

In recent days, breaking news about the COVID-19 pandemic is being discussed in various media outlets. People sensitive to news content are advised to refrain from closely following “breaking” information that may be misinterpreted or cause anxiety.

What is the figure of the super-contagionist?

In definition, the figure of the super communicator is a person who can transmit an infectious disease on a massive scale under various circumstances.

To understand this, we must determine the factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection:

  1. Virus/Host
  2. Environment
  3. Behavior

We know the virus and we know that it can be transmitted to humans; most people who become infected have mild symptoms, but in people with a medical history of risk, they develop a severe moderate disease.

How can we know if we are a super contagious?

At the moment, these people have only been identified after the acute events of the pandemic, it is still an issue that is being studied; there are genetic and biological factors that determine these characteristics.

At the moment there is no test to detect them routinely. The term is used in epidemiological studies to identify people who can transmit the disease, but it should not be a cause of social stigma.

What is the benefit of identifying these individuals?

Currently, the benefit is null, since the measures to prevent the event are the same, social distancing (2 meters), constant hand washing and use of masks, in addition to adjusting to the epidemiological measures of the place of residence.