Homeopathy: a therapy that generates controversy

Homeopathy is one of the most controversial topics in the world of medicine. Although it is not something new, in recent years the controversy surrounding it has grown due to political issues.

However, the European Commission maintains that European regulations establish that homeopathic preparations are medicinal products. In the same vein, the European Committee for Homeopathy, which represents 40 medical associations from 25 countries and 40,000 physicians, recalls that homeopathy is used by 100 million people and is included in several European health systems.

Homeopathy, a therapy without toxicity or side effects

Homeopathy is based on a therapeutic method whose principles and foundations were set out by its founder, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, more than 200 years ago.

Due to its long history and therapeutic safety, homeopathy offers effective treatments without risks or side effects. Homeopathic medicines have null toxicity and are easy to administer, being a therapeutic tool consecrated on firm bases.

The current Spanish law, in accordance with European law, establishes that homeopathic medicines can be marketed after a registration process and in compliance with manufacturing procedures that confirm their pharmacological safety. This law includes 2,008 homeopathic medicines that can currently be found in pharmacies.

Currently there are numerous studies that support the effectiveness of homeopathy, which are growing every year with the aim of continuing research to improve the health of patients.

Advantages of homeopathy for the patient

Homeopathy has a number of advantages for the patient, compared to conventional medicines:

  • It is a safe medication.
  • It can be used in patients already taking other medication.
  • It can be used in pregnant women and children.
  • It is a therapy that involves the patient in the recovery process, helping him/her to be aware of his/her problem and taking responsibility for the “self-healing”.
  • It can be used as an exclusive treatment or complementing it with other drugs, or it can also be complementary to some main treatment, depending on the disease, severity and personal situation of the patient.
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For the World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy and other complementary and traditional therapies should be recognized and integrated into public health systems.

There are no good or bad medicines, but good and bad treatment strategies. Homeopathy is a safe method of treatment as long as it is done by an experienced Family Medicine specialist or expert in the field.