Integrative medicine: a new form of integrative treatment

Although it may still seem somewhat unknown, integrative medicine is currently applied and consists of treating the patient in a comprehensive manner. That is to say, not only the physical problems that the patient may have are evaluated, but also his or her mood, emotional state, history of pathologies and nutritional problems, among others.

This first diagnosis is complemented with a series of medical tests that will allow to know the origin of the disease and not only treat the specific symptom for which the patient comes to the consultation.

Dr. Jordi Forés, a specialist in integrative medicine with more than 25 years of experience, reminds us that one of the advantages of integrative medicine is to offer the patient an adequate and decisive treatment using conventional and complementary medicine, without losing sight of the criteria and rigor offered by integrative medicine.

The objective is to offer solutions as natural as possible, always with these we can obtain equal or better results than with a conventional treatment. To achieve this, it is important to make a good diagnosis to find the cause of the patient’s suffering.

What kind of complementary medicines are applied?

Dr. Jordi Forés uses, above all, orthomolecular medicine, which is based on the use of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and plants to achieve a metabolic and structural balance in the body. Normally this type of orthomolecular treatment is advised for people with digestive disorders, abdominal bloating, high cholesterol, diabetes and constipation.

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It also resorts to homeopathic medicine and deep hyperthermia. In the latter case, radiofrequency applied through electrodes on joint and muscle ailments significantly reduces pain and improves the mobility of the treated area.

Finally, the doctor reminds us of the important place of nutrition. It is the most forgotten medicine, but at the same time the one that brings us the best results in many cases. Without realizing it, we often follow a bad dietary pattern that in the long run can generate different pathologies. So it is important to pay attention to this aspect as well and to achieve an excellent diet and nutrition.

Advice in times of Covid-19

Integrative medicine advises to maintain a good immune system and for this it is necessary to follow a dietary pattern rich in vegetables, proteins, nuts and fruit. On the other hand, we must also avoid excess alcohol and sugar. Therefore, the secret is to achieve and maintain a balanced and well-structured diet.

As for the state of mind, in times of pandemic and the health crisis we live in, it is very necessary to make an effort to maintain good emotional stability, without falling into discouragement and fear. How can we achieve this? There are many ways, but sport and doing activities that excite us can be the best medicine.