90% of vitamin D is assimilated through solar exposure and 10% through food

Spain is one of the countries with the most hours of sunshine in Europe, something that can be an advantage as far as our health is concerned when we talk about vitamin D. Known as anti-rachitic, since its deficiency causes growth alterations.

Importance of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone rather than a vitamin in the classical sense since, if there is sufficient exposure to sunlight, no dietary supplement is needed. It exerts its physiological functions on the bone, intestine, kidney and parathyroid glands to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Its influence on calcium assimilation highlights the importance of maintaining optimal levels of calcium to maintain bone health and prevent fractures in adults. In addition, its deficiency is related to chronic diseases, such as infectious pathologies, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

However, despite the advantage of our climate, it is now common to find people who are deficient in this vitamin. Changes in our lifestyle habits are causing vitamin D levels to be increasingly lower among the Spanish population, both because of the scarcity of outdoor activities and because of nutrition. The foods with the highest vitamin D content are blue fish, mollusks, crustaceans and their derivatives, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms and cod liver oil. Regarding sun exposure, it is recommended to spend between 10 and 15 minutes in the sun with low protection, exposing hands and legs, early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

There are a number of factors that may generate a certain predisposition towards a possible vitamin D deficiency, such as skin phototype, place of residence, nutritional aspects and personal habits.

  • Elderly: especially if their outdoor activities are scarce.
  • Postmenopausal women: it is recommended to monitor vitamin D levels, as they are at risk of suffering fractures.
  • Pregnant and lactating women: The American Society of Endocrinology recommends supplementation in this group.
  • Dark-skinned people: they have greater difficulty in the assimilation of vitamin D through sun exposure.
  • People with obesity: they need a higher intake than other adults.
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People with vitamin D deficiency do not usually have specific symptoms. Through a blood test, levels can be measured and if they are below the recommended levels, they can be corrected by taking supplements, always under medical supervision.