Disease prevention: nutrition is the key

The best way to fight disease is prevention. This ranges from avoiding certain habits that are harmful to our health, such as smoking on a daily basis, and also acquiring a healthy routine by being physically active and having a good, balanced and nutrient-rich diet. In this article, I will focus on this last part, on how nutrition can help our immune system.

In general terms, specialists in Endocrinology recommend a balanced diet containing animal and vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and always a good control of the amounts of salt and sugar we eat.

Foods and their nutrients

Below is a list of foods that I recommend because of the nutrients they provide to our system:

  • Vitamin A: is a fat-soluble vitamin that is obtained through food. It stimulates good eyesight and the immune system, prevents infectious diseases of the respiratory system. It also helps the development of bones, soft tissues and skin. Foods containing Vitamin A:
    • Carrot.
    • Sweet potato.
    • Melon.
  • Vitamin C: it is a water-soluble vitamin, the body does not produce it, it is necessary to eat foods that contain it. It is an antioxidant, it helps to prevent common colds. It also stimulates the absorption of iron and intervenes in the repair of tissues and in the healing process by forming scar tissue. Foods containing vitamin C are:
    • Orange.
    • Broccoli.
    • Bell pepper.
  • Vitamin D: is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps to absorb calcium. It is vital to prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis in adults or rickets in children. It is necessary to consume foods that contain vitamin D, since vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone diseases. The recommended foods are:
    • Fortified dairy products.
    • Eggs.
    • Mushrooms.
  • Omega 3: it is an essential fatty acid. The body cannot produce it on its own, it has been shown to be an ally for cardiovascular health. It helps reduce the risk of thrombosis, arteriosclerosis and lowers cholesterol. The foods where you can find it are:
    • Oily fish.
    • Nuts.
    • Olive oil.
  • Zinc: is an essential mineral that helps a person to be healthy, balances the immune system and is very important in the growth of children, ensures proper bone growth. Foods that contain Zinc are:
    • Red meat steaks.
    • Beans.
    • Chicken.
  • Selenium: is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the body. It prevents cellular aging and is essential for the formation of white blood cells. The foods that contain it are:
    • Octopus.
    • Tuna fish.
    • Chestnuts.
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Remember that I am at your disposal to help you with the personalized diet plan that your body needs, according to your goals. You can contact me and request an online consultation.

Nutrients in a vegetarian or vegan diet

More and more people follow a vegetarian or vegan diet for various reasons. The important thing is to look for foods that cover the nutrient requirements, replacing animal sources with vegetable ones and, in this way, we can also help our immune system and prevent diseases. Here is a list of the nutrients we should take into account and how to replace animal sources with vegetable ones:

  • Protein: it helps us to maintain a muscular structure in good condition. We can find it in legumes, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, soybeans. And in the case of vegetarians, they can choose to consume eggs and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B12: this vitamin is only found in animal sources. Supplementation is essential for vegans, otherwise there is a risk of anemia.
  • Calcium: this mineral is essential for the strengthening and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It can be found in broccoli, chickpeas, almonds, tofu and soy milk, the latter enriched with calcium.
  • Iron: this mineral is essential to prevent anemia. It is present in legumes, nuts, seeds, raisins, broccoli and fortified cereals.
  • Omega 3: found in walnuts, soybean oil, flaxseed oil and seeds.

Fulfilling the requirements, we can have a healthy and complete diet without eating animal foods. It is always good to have professional advice, so do not hesitate to contact me for an online nutrition consultation.