Is there a rebound effect after dieting

Is there such a thing as “rebound dieting”?

The term “rebound diets” has been used for many years to justify or dodge reality. Many people use this phrase to imply that there is no solution, that you always put on weight again.

In many cases it is justified by the “body’s metabolism”, as if this would force you to eat more and recover what you have lost in your diet.

Why does the rebound effect occur?

The current pace of life that we lead, with a high level of chronic stress, regularly causes altered emotional situations that are sought to compensate with certain reward practices with a sedative and pleasurable effect.

The problem is that this compensation is limited and transitory, leading to a situation of addiction. Tolerance and dependence increase, since it continues to be carried out despite being aware of the problems that can arise.

What is food addiction and is it due to rebound dieting?

When a person is addicted to food they use it as a method to overcome anxiety and, in many cases, they end up losing control of what they eat.

As a specialist in endocrinology, it can be stated that there are changes in the neurotransmitters and adaptations are reached that chronify the excess of food.

Despite this, it is important that patients do not give up. Just as it is possible to lose weight, an intelligent and positive attitude, with the necessary support, can overcome the negative.

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For more information on “rebound dieting” contact an Endocrinology specialist.