Brief Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Sleep Disorders

In the Neurological Sciences Unit we have a multidisciplinary team formed by Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Neurophysiologists and Psychologists, as well as a Sleep Unit. Thanks to this we can address sleep disorders in a comprehensive manner. Among the causes of sleep disorders are stress, anxiety, conflicts and traumas, drug and substance dependence and irregular work schedules.

At UCN’s Clinical Psychology Unit we approach sleep disorders in three phases:

1. an initial evaluation phase, based on the study of the patient’s clinical history, his or her psychopathological examination and clinical interview, as well as the study of other clinical reports. In cases where it is necessary, the patient will be referred to the UCN Sleep Unit in order to have as much information as possible and to design a personalized treatment, since it is not the same to treat a Sleep Apnea Syndrome than a REM phase disorder, for example.

Then the treatment phase begins, designed according to the results obtained in the evaluation and personalized for each patient. The brief psychotherapeutic treatment of sleep disorders includes the following techniques:

– Cognitive-behavioral techniques: these consist of clear identification of problems and goals, cognitive distortions, restructuring of beliefs and learning alternative and adaptive appraisals and strategies. The patient learns breathing techniques and sophrological relaxation. The sleep hygiene program is also used, consisting of learning habits that facilitate the regulation of the sleep cycle and improve its quality.

– Psychodynamic techniques: analysis and elaboration of intrapsychic conflicts, narrative of new adaptive dynamics aimed at personal growth.

– Multidisciplinary treatment of drug dependence, with drug withdrawal programs.

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– Also all those psychotherapy techniques that can benefit the patient and that have proven to be effective.

3. Finally, the assessment phase of the therapeutic objectives achieved is carried out: the therapist assesses, based on the information provided by the patient, the achievement of the therapeutic objectives set in his or her treatment. The patient will be seen periodically in order to assess the maintenance or consolidation of these objectives over time.

The brief psychotherapy of mental disorders involves a duration of no more than six months, not counting follow-up visits (six-monthly and annual), provided that the sleep disorder is the only reason for consultation. To date, we can conclude that patients begin to benefit from significant improvements after the third or fourth session and the quality of life achieved with the treatment is maintained one year later. It is important to emphasize that, as in any psychotherapeutic treatment, the active participation of the patient in the process is fundamental to guarantee its efficacy and effectiveness.