Risks of Augmentation Mammoplasty

An augmentation mammoplasty is an operation that carries fewer and fewer risks. However, it is important to follow certain tips to avoid, above all, the appearance of capsular contracture.

Augmentation mammoplasty, minimal risks

In general, an augmentation mammoplasty is an operation of short duration that presents few complications, with a very fast recovery. However, the patient who has a breast implant must understand that it is not an intervention for life and that, with probability, will have to return to the operating room for problems caused by the implant itself or by problems arising from the interaction of the implant with your body.

In the CORE study and updates, carried out by the FDA (United States drug agency) on the problems presented by the implants of the two American companies approved in that country for aesthetic breast augmentation, the 10-year reoperation rates were dazzling, between 25 and 30%. In other words, after ten years, one out of every three patients had to return to the operating room to replace the implant or to solve problems such as capsular contracture.

Capsular contracture, the most common risk in augmentation mammoplasty

Despite the technological advances in the field of breast augmentation surgery, and the fact that implant rupture is nowadays a very rare problem, the most frequent complication that can arise is capsular contracture, a problem derived from the interaction of the implant with the patient’s body.

Any prosthetic material in the organism originates an internal scar that will surround it. This scar is called periprosthetic capsule and, under normal conditions, it is very elastic and lax adapting to the shape of the implant. This capsule, under certain circumstances (contamination of the implant during surgery, poor quality of the implant, over the years, etc.) can become progressively more rigid, giving rise to the so-called capsular contracture. This, which left to its natural course will be progressively greater, causes the breast to acquire a spherical shape, harden and even cause pain.

Our implantation techniques (washing with intraoperative antibiotics and rigorous asepsis), together with the highest quality implants and, in particular, those with Polyurethane cover, guarantee the minimum risks in the appearance of capsular contracture and the problems derived from the implant and its interaction with the breast. In fact, the 10-year rates are less than 2-3%, far from the rest of implants and laboratories. However, implants with polyurethane cover have the disadvantage of cost and high technical demand by the surgeon in the planning and operative technique.

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Advice to avoid risks in augmentation mammoplasty

In most of our patients, although not all, we recommend anatomically shaped implants. However, in certain cases (prosthetic replacements and certain breast shapes) we may choose to use round implants. Regardless of the shape of the implant used, the prostheses we use belong to one of the best laboratories in existence today. Its products are endorsed by the state agencies of pharmacological and health safety of the highest level, offering lifetime replacement guarantee for rupture, in addition to other coverage in the case of implants with polyurethane cover (capsular contracture and rotation).

The latter implants are made of high cohesive silicone gel and have multiple layers in their shell that prevent breakage and silicone leakage. In addition, to reduce the appearance of contracture, they have a rough or textured cover whose maximum expression is the implants with polyurethane cover, of which we are one of the most experienced specialists in Spain. Technologically they are the most advanced and, undoubtedly, the ones with the lowest rate of complications, which is why we recommend them.

All these aspects of its design and material seek to avoid complications and replacement surgeries in the medium and long term, as occurs with other types of implants in which it is necessary to replace after 10-15 years, either by degradation and rupture of the same or by the appearance of advanced capsular contracture.

Postoperative care to avoid risks in augmentation mammoplasty

Beyond all of the above, we insist on postoperative care during the month following the intervention, which are as important as the intervention itself:

– Sleep facing upwards

– Do not raise your arms above the level of your head.

– Wear a sports bra without underwire throughout the day.

– Do not massage the chest

– Avoid carrying weights both in your daily life and at work.

– Avoid all sports activities

In addition, in order to supervise the correct evolution of the implants, our guarantee system offers an annual revision guaranteed for life.