Breast Augmentation and Lift

Breast surgery means for a woman to have a new look and feel better about herself. The passage of age, which makes the breasts tend to fall, or the simple fact of having small breasts, makes some women want to enjoy a nice cleavage and regain an attractiveness that they consider lost through cosmetic surgery.

Breast augmentation and breast lift are different techniques designed to increase the volume and lift a sagging or undersized breast. Depending on the patient’s needs, the surgeon will perform one or the other procedure.

Breast augmentation

The size of the breasts is increased through the introduction of prostheses, chosen by the surgeon after prior consultation with the patient. The implants can be of two types in terms of shape: round or anatomical. Currently, the anatomical ones are used more, since they adjust to the morphology of a breast, and the objective is none other than to achieve an appearance as close as possible to a natural breast.

Breast lift

If the breasts, however, are “sagging”, “empty”, the intervention required is a breast lift. This surgery can be performed with or without prosthesis, which will be assessed by the surgeon, since the purpose is that the breast has a natural shape, recovering its original appearance.

The surgeon designs the pattern on which he will work to get beautiful breasts by means of markers, and the technique used is called mastopexy. This consists of trimming the excess skin of the breast and adjusting the remaining skin to achieve the desired elevation.

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Breast asymmetry and other anomalies

When performing an augmentation or elevation, an excessive size of the areolas or irregularities in the nipple can be corrected in the same surgical process, such as the nipple invaginated (inward) or if, on the contrary, it protrudes too much.

In this intervention also equalize the breasts if they have a difference in size or position between the two, noticeable and unaesthetic.