Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty: the latest technology in rhinoplasty

The prestige of Dr. Garcia Ceballos in rhinoplasty is due to the high rate of satisfaction of his patients, the naturalness of the results and the smoothness of the postoperative period.

The rhinoplasty technique uses ultrasound to file the bone and break it in a controlled manner, in order to narrow and thus achieve the desired result. The filing is very precise, it can even be millimetric.

Once the nose is operated the patient is placed in a splint that will protect it from possible friction and blows. After 6 or 7 days the splint will be removed and the patient’s face will be as usual.

Ultrasound rhinoplasty allows correcting the nasal septum to provide patients with a good respiratory function, in addition to improving its shape at the same time. Today, thanks to these advances, the traditional or closed rhinoplasty technique is being superseded by open rhinoplasty using ultrasound.

Benefits of ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Specialists in Plastic Surgery agree that ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a breakthrough in terms of improving the surgical procedure, since:

  • It facilitates a faster recovery: absence of plugs, natural reabsorption of the stitches and painless postoperative period.
  • Less bruising
  • Less swelling
  • More natural results
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