Mentoplasty or chin surgery: what does it consist of?

A mentoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to reduce the size of the chin, either by increasing, decreasing or reshaping it three-dimensionally, depending on the patient’s wishes and needs.

Also known as chin surgery, it is a quick and simple procedure. It can noticeably change facial features, and can be performed on women and men over the age of 18.

Some men want a more pronounced chin, while women want softer definition. There are augmentation and reduction mentoplasties.

Characteristics of mentoplasty

  • Recovery from mentoplasty takes three to four days, with no visible bruising.
  • The scar is located inside the mouth, so it is not visible.
  • The duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour.
  • The anesthesia is local and the procedure is ambulatory, that is, it does not require any type of hospitalization.
  • The aesthetic result is immediate.

How is mentoplasty performed?

First of all, a small intraoral incision is made, through which the doctor approaches the chin bone, to improve the patient’s facial features, especially in the profile.

There are also lipostructure techniques, through which fat is extracted from the patient by liposuction, to be implanted in the area or the placement of a silicone prosthesis that gives prominence to the chin.

However, not everything has to be surgical, since there are other alternatives, such as chin filling by injections, a quick and hassle-free procedure that provides satisfactory results.

If you would like more information about mentoplasty, consult a specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.