Full Face Lifitng

What is the objective of the Full Face Lift?
The facelift surgery is a surgery for facial rejuvenation and is performed with the idea of removing the signs of the passage of time that people have. It can be performed at different ages, since there are people who age sooner than others and it basically fights the flaccidity of the face due to the passing of time.

Who is the ideal candidate to undergo this surgery?
This type of surgery is mainly performed on people who want a facial rejuvenation. They are people between the ages of forty-five and fifty who wish to solve the problem of flaccidity.

What does the full facelift surgery consist of?
It consists of making an incision around the ear, starting above the sideburn and reaching the scalp. The difference between current facelifts and those of the past is that in the past, simply peeling and stretching the skin was enough. Nowadays, on the other hand, deep lifting is also performed, that is, lifting of the facial aponeurosis and the muscles inside the face, which is as if we were doing a double lifting by stretching the internal muscles of the face and then simply reattaching the skin in its place after this previous stretching.

What type of anesthesia is usually used?
Normally a general anesthesia is used for a full facelift, while a local anesthesia is used for a partial facelift, such as a neck lift or cheek lift. In this case, local anesthesia with or without sedation may or may not be used.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with the surgery?
Like any surgery it may have complications or risks that occur in a general anesthesia or surgery in general, but most of the risks are very manageable, of short duration and little significance in the final result of the operation.

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What results can be expected with full facelift surgery?
The results are not only very good immediately, but also last for a long time. Normally it is very rare to have to repeat a facelift before ten or twelve years or even fifteen years. In any case, once the facelift is performed, small partial corrections can be associated such as the use of implants, mainly hyaluronic acid, in some specific wrinkles or in some furrow or infiltrate botulinum toxin to smooth expression wrinkles. This can be a complement for the years following a facelift, but the result is really very satisfactory and lasting. It is a very grateful surgery.

What can I expect during the recovery process?
The recovery is quite fast, normally the operation is performed with an admission in clinic for about twenty-four hours, then the removal of the bandages will take place between two or three days and the final removal of the stitches after eight days. In all this time, if no hematomas have appeared, the reincorporation to public life is very quick and easy, and if there have been, it can be delayed for a maximum of two weeks.