Breast asymmetry: what is it and how is it solved?

Breast asymmetry is the difference in size, shape or location of the breasts. Most women have a slight asymmetry of the breast but when this difference is significant it can cause emotional and self-esteem problems for the woman.

Causes of breast asymmetry

There are several medical conditions that can cause breast asymmetry. For example, Poland’s syndrome is a disorder suffered by adolescents and is characterized by the lack of pectoral muscles and the absence of development of one of the breasts, and even the nipple or areola. Other associative disorders may include scoliosis, pectum excavatum and scleroderma. Growth during puberty, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy and lactation can also contribute to a difference in breast size, in addition to misplaced breast implants or faulty cosmetic surgeries.

Breast asymmetry surgery

The solution to breast asymmetry is cosmetic surgery, either by enlarging or reducing one or both breasts to achieve more symmetry. Many plastic surgeons do not agree to perform breast surgery in children under 18 years of age, but it all depends on the type and severity of the disorder.

– Breast reduction surgery requires two to four hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made either circumareolar, vertical or inverted T-shaped in the lower part of the breast and excess breast tissue is removed. The areola and nipple are then repositioned and resized to match the other breast.

– Breast augmentation or mammoplasty takes less than two hours and is also performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision at the edge of the areola, under the breast or in the armpit and inserts an implant, trying to achieve a similar result in size and shape of the other breast.

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Both procedures carry a risk of complications, since, as in any surgery, bleeding, infection or scarring of the breasts may occur. Another risk is the rejection of the implants, capsular contracture or loss of sensitivity in the areola and nipple.

The operation of breast asymmetry does not usually result in completely identical breasts, since in nature itself is not common, but achieving better symmetry can greatly increase self-esteem and satisfaction of women with their bodies.