Rejuvenate your look

Blepharoplasty aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids through surgical treatment. In this way, the effects of aging around the eyes are reduced and a rested look is achieved.

This surgical procedure can be performed in combination with other facial cosmetic surgery treatments, or alone. The technique consists of removing excess skin and fat bags from the eyelids.

What preparation does the patient need?

The preoperative period is very important, since it is necessary to individualize the technique to each patient.

The first thing the plastic surgeon will do is to examine the individual characteristics of the patient’s eyelids, as well as his or her general condition.

Once the assessment has been made, the patient will be informed of the rules to be followed regarding the intake or suppression of medication and smoking. Also of the previous preparation of the face.

What does the surgery consist of?

The intervention is performed on an outpatient basis, in the operating room and under local anesthesia. Sedation is not always necessary.

The duration of the procedure will vary depending on whether it is performed completely (both eyelids) or only the upper or lower eyelids. This duration will be between 1 and 2 hours.

Interventions vary according to the area:

  • Upper eyelid: an incision is made to look for some natural folds of the eyelid. In this way, after removing the excess skin and the fat bag of the inner canthus of the eye, the scar is hidden in the eyelid crease.
  • Lower eyelid: it can be treated with two techniques. One is transpalpebral, in which the incision is made below the eyelash line. The second is transconjunctival, where the incision is made inside the eyelids. This removes localized fat in small pockets and, if necessary, excess skin.
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What is the postoperative period like?

After surgery the eyelids will be swollen and bruising will appear, which will disappear within a few days. The patient may notice

  • Tearing
  • Hypersensitivity to light (first two or three weeks).
  • Irritability

It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions, who will give guidelines for eye hygiene. Sunglasses should be worn as long as the bruising persists and the eyes should be lubricated with eye drops.

Relative rest should be followed for two or three days and the patient will be able to return to work in a week or ten days.

Are there any risks?

If the surgeon’s instructions are followed, the risks are minimized. In any case, it is a very safe surgery.

Some of the minor complications may include edema or slight asymmetries in the scarring as well as blurred vision. It is very rare that complications can occur and hematomas are superficial and recover spontaneously.

How are the results?

The results are usually long lasting and are objective immediately, although swelling can last up to 30 days.