How to detect a possible case of bullying

Bullying is, unfortunately, a reality experienced by many children. To be able to talk about bullying, it is necessary that there is premeditation and a clear objective to “knock down” or humiliate someone in particular.

Bullying is not something impulsive or improvised, and it has devastating effects on the victim.

How can we detect that our child may be suffering from bullying?

School bullying is detected because, if your child is suffering from it, important changes will be observed, both in their character and in their behaviors: children who are victims of school bullying are no longer cheerful and playful children, but become sullen, fearful, prone to rejection, and even suffer somatic pain.

In addition, it is common for children who suffer bullying to have nightmares and sleep disorders, headaches or stomach aches and, above all, to not want to go to school, with different excuses. And this, precisely, is the first warning sign.

How to deal with bullying and help our child?

Psychology specialists recommend that the first thing to do is to put ourselves in our child’s shoes, communicating positively with him and talking daily about his feelings, participating in his reality, observing and playing as active a role as he considers.

It is therefore a matter of empathizing and listening actively, in order to prevent this type of attitude, which can lead to violence.