Advances in Otoplasty

A large number of techniques have been described to perform an otoplasty. In our case we perform one technique which is much less invasive than the others and which consists of placing sutures in the auricle through millimetric incisions.

This technique provides great advantages because it achieves very good results, minimizing even more the possible complications. It is a simple procedure, performed under local anesthesia, the same that is applied at the dentist.

This technique facilitates the postoperative period, which is comfortable and not very uncomfortable. It does not require the placement of bulky bandages, but a simple tape that will only be placed at night for a month after the first two days. It does not prevent the patient from taking a shower or from quickly returning to work or to school in the case of children.

The immediate discomfort after the operation is normal, but with the intake of a simple analgesic it improves and is only required during the first 24 hours. The specialist in plastic surgery only warns not to take Aspirin. He insists on keeping the wound clean and wearing the tape at night.

Each problem must be assessed individually, although this technique corrects a great majority of cases of prominent ears. The selection of patients must also be made on the basis of other aspects of their particular medical history, depending on this will require additional tests or not.

In general, patients who request this type of intervention are young and do not usually have additional pathologies. It is also appropriate for children when they have reached the development of the pinna, which occurs from the age of six. It is important that in the case of children, they understand what is going to be done to them so that they collaborate during the intervention and in the postoperative period.