Facial reshaping with fat transfer liposuction

Before the advent of fat lipotransfer, plastic surgeons discarded fat when performing liposuction. Now, with this treatment, fat tissue can be reused. Lipotransfer with fat is a technique of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery that allows rejuvenating a face with wrinkles, marked furrows or flaccidity, by means of fat grafts. The procedure consists of extracting fat from some area of the body such as the stomach, thighs, hips, knees or calves and re-injecting it into the face, in order to give it a healthier and revitalized appearance.

As time goes by, the face ages, the fat in the face atrophies and the tissues sag. By transferring the patient’s own fat, a facial reshaping can follow for a rejuvenated and natural looking face. Therefore, by using the patient’s own tissues, the face is not filled, nor are rigid and unnatural expressions obtained, but rather the face is restored to what has been lost over time.

Body fat transfer with the patient’s own fat

In body contouring, fat extracted from some areas is used to improve others. For example, it is used to improve the shape of the buttocks, give more volume to the chest, or increase the volume of excessively thin calves, among many other procedures.

Advantages of fat transfer with your own fat

We can greatly improve the appearance of the body using the patient’s own fat, since it is absolutely compatible and the effect is permanent.

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In addition, the extracted and reused fat is full of growth factors. These not only increase the volume but also improve the texture of the skin. This results in a revitalized, brighter skin and can eliminate or attenuate blemishes and vascular lesions.

For example, this technique is used to reduce or eliminate dark circles under the eyes, a pathology that is currently difficult to treat. Adipose tissue through growth factors also offers a fantastic result in skin with radiodermitis, that is, people who have suffered the effects of radiotherapy, when until now there was no technique that could improve this situation.

The fundamental aspect in this type of techniques is to always look for a plastic surgeon of confidence and a consultation that offers security. This therapeutic option with a high degree of satisfied patients should not be forgotten, because fat will become more and more important.