Recommendations for students during confinement

With regard to routines, it is important to acquire, as far as possible, habitual routines that are normally carried out on a daily basis. It is also important to try to differentiate the usual weekday activities from weekend activities.

The student should try to make them different sensations. For example, studying or doing work should be the main activity in the central hours of the morning or afternoon, with our usual rhythm of study. It is also good to establish specific time rhythms for study and work activities. The periods should be more or less fixed, so that if the student sets 3-4 hours, it is important that he/she meets that minimum, as this will give the feeling that it has been a productive time.

On the one hand, it is important to try to reproduce our routines prior to the confinement we are living. It is convenient to repeat more or less the usual dynamics that we followed every day: showering, having a coffee, breakfast, etc., in some way more or less adapted to the situation we are currently in. Sometimes it is not so simple, but we must try to do it as much as possible. It is not a question of doing everything exactly the same, but to continue with certain habits, even those that a priori would not be necessary. In this sense, being undressed or in pajamas does not help. In the case of girls, putting on makeup is optional, but at least dressing up should be done by everyone. We must try not to let COVID-19 distract us from our duties.

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On the other hand, understand that these are different times. We must have the feeling that we are living in different times. Despite trying to normalize the situation as much as possible at home, it is essential to accept that it is a different time. Likewise, the times of our daily routines will also be different from how we had conceived them. In this sense, each student can organize as he/she wishes, but always bearing in mind that academic activities are the main activity of the day. The rest is adjusted from the time left for leisure and free time.

Finally, it is advisable to have a different feeling on weekends than the rest of the days. Although today we are all hyper-connected with internet access, series and infinite modes of entertainment, it is important that we reserve some of these activities only for the weekend. This way, we will disconnect more and be able to rest mentally. In addition, it is advisable not to spend too much time studying on weekends, at least not until exams are approaching. As long as you can, you should rest and disconnect on weekends.