The importance of sports readaptation

Sports or functional rehabilitation is the active recovery from injury by the individual in order to increase tolerance to the demands of sport or life itself.

The exercise program is individualized and is focused on improving functional capacity and avoiding the risk of relapse of the patient with a sports, work or home injury.

Why is physical exercise one of the most important tools in the recovery of patients?

After a musculoskeletal injury or pathology, our neuromuscular system is altered, resulting in muscle shortening and atrophy, thus triggering an imbalance between muscle and joint structures in the vicinity of the injury.

Scientific evidence supports therapeutic physical exercise as a basic pillar in rehabilitation programs for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, since its main function is to restore the anatomical and functional characteristics of the affected body region.

Can this recovery method be used for any injury?

Yes, it is very important that the patient is an active part of his treatment and this involves learning and performing the exercise program instructed by his physiotherapist readaptor. The medical literature supports therapeutic physical exercise as a fundamental part of most rehabilitation programs.

What are the objectives of sports rehabilitation?

The objectives must be individualized taking into account the sport or level of physical activity performed by the injured person.

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Short, medium and long term objectives are always set after an initial biopsychosocial assessment.

The ideal goal is to restore pre-injury functional capabilities, but sometimes it is to overcome them.

What are the phases?

The physical rehabilitation program has 5 phases:

  • The first consists of the initial assessment by the physical therapist-readaptor. The demands and competencies of the person are explored.
  • In the second phase, objectives are set.
  • The third phase includes pain reduction techniques through therapeutic exercise.
  • The fourth phase aims to increase exercise tolerance, strength gain, mobility and endurance.
  • The fifth and last phase consists of a progressive return to normality and providing the injured person with the tools learned to continue with the preventive exercise program independently.

Which health professional is in charge of carrying it out?

Altamira Clinic in Almeria is distinguished by being formed by a multidisciplinary professional team composed of rehabilitation physicians, sports physiotherapists and physical trainer in constant communication. The common goal is to offer patients what they need at the right time to accelerate their recovery as much as possible.