Cataplexy: why is it known as the disease of emotions

You may have heard of Cataplexia, also known as Cataplexy. But do you know what it is? Some know it as the disease of emotions and it is a disease in which the muscular strength of the whole body is lost, causing the sufferer to faint and even fall. The truth is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict when this episode of sudden onset and short duration may appear.

What causes it?

It is not known exactly what are the intrinsic mechanisms that cause cataplexy. What has been demonstrated is that this disease is related to the regulation of a brain substance called hypocreatine, which is responsible for controlling normal sleep processes. The onset of cataplexy responds to:

  • Appearance independently of other diseases.
  • As a symptom of other diseases: narcolepsy, Niemann-Pich type C disease or anti-Ma2 paraneoplastic encephalitis.

Since the causes of this disease are still under investigation, it is difficult to make a diagnosis. Diagnosis is even more complicated in children, since its symptoms can be confused with those of other problems such as epilepsy, migraines, stroke, syncope, psychological pathology, anxiety or panic attacks and functional pathology.

In one way or another, the diagnosis is clinical and tests are performed in order to rule out other causative problems.

Cataplexy is treatable, but not curable.

The treatment of cataplexy involves changes in lifestyle habits and pharmacological treatment. Within the latter group are included medications of various groups such as: antidepressant drugs, sodium oxybate and stimulant drugs. To improve the symptoms it is advisable:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Take care of your diet and avoid alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption.
  • Maintain a stable and quality sleep.