What is the function of the neuropsychological study

The neuropsychological study is a tool of fundamental diagnostic importance in the field of pediatric neurology, since it allows to obtain information of the different brain functions that make up the intelligence of the individual.

Each area of the brain is involved in the development of a function (for example, there is the area of language, reading and writing or attention and organization). And the functioning of these areas can be evaluated through a series of cognitive tests that allow to know the profile of intellectual functioning of the patient, in addition to their specific dysfunctions or weak points that could be the cause of learning problems.

On the other hand, the neuropsychological study also allows us to know the best developed skills or functions of the individual. Thanks to this, it is possible to design an appropriate pedagogical intervention tailored to each patient, allowing him/her to use psycho-educational strategies that compensate for his/her difficulty in a more efficient way.

In short, the neuropsychological evaluation, together with a complete clinical history and physical examination, allows us to diagnose the different learning disorders, as well as to determine the profile of each patient’s strengths (which will allow us to better plan the subsequent reeducation, in order to obtain more satisfactory results).

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