Causes and Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity

The sensation of pain in the teeth when noticing contact with very hot or cold substances is a direct consequence of the so-called dental sensitivity. This symptom appears when the dentin is exposed to this type of external agents. Therefore, anything that diminishes the transparent enamel layer that protects the dentin or allows the area under the gum to be exposed will cause tooth sensitivity.

The factors that diminish the enamel are: dental cavities, brushing with too much force or with a very hard brush, dental fractures and bruxism. Tooth whitening, acidic foods and routine dental procedures also affect enamel. In addition, there are over-the-counter rinses and toothpastes dubbed “natural” that damage enamel.

And the factors that expose the root are periodontal disease (the bone level is reduced), occlusal trauma (occurs when the teeth are not aligned and the occlusion of the upper arch with the lower arch is not correct) and age. This last factor causes the bony ridges to be lost over time, retracting the gum and leaving the root slightly exposed to the air. This produces neck cavities, which are responsible for the sensitivity of most people over 50 years of age.

Treatment for tooth sensitivity

Maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing is a “matter of strategy”, the more you brush, the better it cleans, but you must brush all surfaces (teeth and molars) to remove all traces of bacterial plaque. In addition, oral cleanings should be performed by a professional. Dental products should be fluoride-containing and daily use of fluoride rinses may decrease sensitivity.