
  1. What is BodyTite?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What is BodyTite?
  4. Preparation for treatment
  5. Aftercare
  6. Alternatives to this treatment

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is an aesthetic treatment that consists of liposuction without surgery. It is used to eliminate fat and flaccidity by applying bipolar heat to the dermis, fat tissue and subcutaneous connective tissue.
The BodyTite method is proven and very safe. It features RFAL applicators, which control skin and fat temperature, monitor impedance and present auditory feedback.
In addition to being a non-surgical procedure, BodyTite has several benefits. First, it is a quick procedure that lasts, in most cases, between 30 minutes and 1 hour. On the other hand, it only requires local anesthesia, is painless and does not leave scars.

BodyTite eliminates localized fat and flaccidity

Why is it performed?

This treatment is used to eliminate localized fat and flaccidity in any part of the body. The most common areas that patients choose to use this technique are the knees, arms, abdomen, double chin and inner thigh.

In terms of patient characteristics, this treatment can be performed by anyone who wishes to obtain these aesthetic results in a non-invasive way.

What does BodyTite consist of?

This method acts three-dimensionally on the areas to be treated. On the one hand, it contracts the muscle fiber and, on the other, it coagulates and suctions the fat. Finally, the procedure tightens all the tissue in the area.
BodyTite is a Lipolysis that is performed by minimally invasive radiofrequency. It has a device that has, on one side, an internal electrode. This is introduced into the subcutaneous adipose tissue through a small incision. On the other hand, it contains another external electrode that is placed above the superficial part of the skin. Radiofrequency is transmitted simultaneously between both electrodes, which generates an instantaneous skin retraction.

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Preparation for the treatment

No specific preparation is necessary for the BodyTite treatment.


This treatment has a very fast recovery compared to other procedures. The downtime when the patient has treated small areas is usually between 1 to 2 days. When BodyTite has been applied to a larger area of the body, the downtime is around 10 days.

On the other hand, patients must follow some basic recommendations after the session, such as wearing a compression garment for 1 month and not doing any type of physical activity for 3 or 4 weeks.

Alternatives to this treatment

One of the alternatives to this treatment is Vaser Lipo, which includes the latest advances in ultrasonic technology. This method also eliminates localized fat. It does so by means of energetic waves and dispenses with incisions. However, it is best to combine both methods, since BodyTite retracts the skin naturally, stimulating collagen production and significantly reducing sagging.
On the other hand, they also recommend completing the treatment with Morpheus 8 sessions, to further intensify tissue contraction.