
What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a breast reduction surgery performed on men who have excess mammary glands, either due to hormonal, pharmacological, obesity or drug abuse. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia and requires hospitalization.

Why is it performed?

Many men have the disorder gynecomastia: pathological enlargement of one or both breasts. This developmental problem may be due to various causes such as poor estrogen metabolism, hormonal problems, fat accumulation and obesity. Although it is not a serious health problem, most men who suffer from this pathology undergo surgery for aesthetic reasons.

This developmental problem may be due to several causes.


Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include the following:

  • Swollen breast tissue.
  • Breast tenderness.
  • swelling
  • pain or tenderness
  • Nipple discharge in one or both breasts.

What does the Gynecomastia operation consist of?

The operation consists of making a small incision around the areola to remove the accumulations of fat and breast glandular tissue, achieving a firm chest and flat appearance. If the problem of the breasts is only an excess of fatty tissue, the intervention will be performed through a small incision using a liposuction technique, based on the aspiration of fat through a hollow cannula attached to a vacuum pump. The scars of this intervention are not visible and the result is totally definitive and satisfactory.

Preparation before the procedure

Prior to the operation, the patient will undergo a medical examination to ensure that he/she is in good health to undergo surgery under general anesthesia.

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Care after gynecomastia surgery

The postoperative period consists of absolute rest for 48 hours after surgery, in a semi-reclined position. The first days the patient may feel discomfort, and for two weeks should avoid physical activities. A special girdle must also be worn for up to 30 days after the operation.