
What are traumas?

Traumas are physical injuries or wounds suffered by the patient in their organs and tissues. There are multiple traumatic injuries, among which extremity injuries such as sprains, dislocations or fractures stand out.

We can distinguish between two types of trauma, depending on the affected area

  • Auricular traumas: are those that affect the joints, such as sprains or dislocations.
  • Bone traumas: these affect the bone, such as complete fractures, fissures, etc. We find traumas of the skull and face, of the spine and polytraumatisms.

In the case of a psychic alteration we speak of “trauma”.

Prognosis of the disease

The prognosis depends entirely on the type of trauma, the affected area and the severity. Severe trauma can lead to incapacitation or death. The simplest traumas recover within a few days.

Symptoms of trauma

There are several symptoms that we can assess in the case of a physical trauma. Among these we can recognize:

  • Pain
  • Hemorrhage
  • Dyspnea
  • Disorientation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Shock
  • Hematoma
  • Swelling
  • Edema
  • Mobility difficulties

A hand fracture is a trauma

Medical tests for trauma

In order to diagnose a trauma, it will be important for the medical specialist to question, observe and physically examine the patient.

From a previous analysis it will be important to look for possible hemorrhage. It will also be necessary to check if there has been damage to nerves, tendons, muscles or bones, as well as possible damage to organs.

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Some tests may be performed to assist the physician, such as an X-ray or CT scan.

What are the causes of trauma?

Trauma is an injury or wound caused by an external force or act of violence. This trauma can be due to multiple causes, among which we find:

  • Falls
  • Sports accidents
  • Traffic accidents
  • Burns
  • Aggressions
  • Work or home accidents

Can it be prevented?

There are different preventive measures that can be taken to prevent trauma:

  • The use of seat belts, child safety seats, head restraints and airbags in automobiles.
  • The use of helmets on motorcycles and bicycles.
  • Proper equipment in sports and at work.

Treatments for trauma

The basic treatment for trauma could be the well-known RICE method:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

This technique works for the most basic and common trauma but will depend on the severity. As there are so many types of trauma, mobility, sensitivity and pulse distal to the injury should be assessed.

Which specialist treats it?

The multiple traumas that exist can and should be treated by different medical specialists. These can be specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Osteopathy or Physiotherapy.