Local infiltrations

What are local infiltrations?

Infiltrations are injections of a solution into the tissues. These are used as a minimally invasive and local treatment that can be applied in different locations, depending on the affected area.

It can be done at intra-articular, para-articular, intramuscular or tendon insertions; it can be applied in any part of the body, the most common ones being the knee, shoulder and ankle.

What do local infiltrations consist of?

The infiltration is performed using a sterilized needle and with the most relevant product required. These substances can be:

  • Corticoids: help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: helps joint regeneration.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): improves vascularization and helps tissue regeneration.
  • Concentrate rich in Stem Cells: contributes to cell regeneration.

Generally, no more than 3 infiltrations are performed per year and a month is usually left between each session.

Why are local infiltrations used?

The aim of this treatment is to provide an anti-inflammatory solution in a specific area, relieve pain and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues and joints.

For example, it is often used when suffering from pathologies such as tendinitis, trauma, arthritis or muscle sprain, among others.

It is a minimally invasive treatment with a very local incidence.

Contraindications of local infiltrations

It is important to carry out a prior medical diagnosis to know the state of the area to be treated. In addition, it is important to know which substance is the most suitable for the patient’s pathology.

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The physician must check the patient’s general condition and above all know his or her allergies, since he or she may be allergic to the substances to be infiltrated.