Facial radiofrequency

What is facial radiofrequency?

Radiofrequency facelift is a non-invasive facial and body reshaping treatment designed to tighten any type of skin and reduce flaccidity in any area, in this case face and neck. In addition, it is a painless treatment that does not require anesthesia and does not leave marks or scars.

Why is facial radiofrequency performed?

It is performed to treat the flaccidity produced by the wear of natural collagen and elastin, which presents itself in various forms:

  • Skin aging
  • Expression lines and wrinkles
  • Lack of tone and flaccidity in the face and neck.
  • Jowls, bags and dark circles under the eyes

What does facial radiofrequency consist of?

This technique is based on the stimulation of collagen and elastin production through radiofrequency, which provides heat to the inner layers of the skin. To do this, a head is slid over the area to be treated to direct the energy towards the deepest areas of the skin, stimulating collagen and the tightening effect and correcting flaccidity.

Preparation for facial radiofrequency

No preparation is required, although a questionnaire is always done beforehand to find out if the patient is taking any medication or has any liver, kidney or cardiovascular disease, etc.

Care after facial radiofrequency

After the treatment, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day.
  • Draining homeopathic treatment (if necessary).
  • You can sunbathe, as long as it is with adequate protection.