

  1. What is magnetotherapy?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. Preparation for the procedure
  5. Care after treatment
  6. Alternatives

What is magnetotherapy?

Magnet therapy is a practice within physiotherapy that uses static or permanent magnetic fields on the body. The application is carried out by means of high or low frequency magnets depending on the type of pathology to be treated. It is especially effective in the treatment of pain as a result of inflammation although it can be used to solve a large number of diseases thanks to its few side effects.

Even so, it is a technique that is not indicated in patients with pacemakers, cancer or pregnant women and the magnetic fields applied should never affect the heart.

Why is it performed?

This procedure is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal pathologies, as it has been shown to have a powerful regenerative effect thanks to the physiological fields it provokes in the organism. Although it is also used in pathologies such as decalcification, spondylitis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, citalgia, tendinitis, contractures, contusions, lumbago, in pathologies that cause inflammation and in the healing of tissues.

What does it consist of?

Through the use of magnetic fields with high or low intensity magnets, magnet therapy affects the parts of the body to be treated, relieving pain and regenerating the affected tissues.

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To create the magnetic fields, coils are used through which electric currents pass, so that the waves are captured by the body without the need to apply currents directly to the body.

Magnetic therapy is a minimally invasive technique that offers surprising results.

Preparation for magnetotherapy

No preparation is necessary to undergo a magnetotherapy treatment, since it is a technique in which the coil is applied to the part of the body to be treated without any pain or discomfort.

Care after the procedure

The treatment is performed in the consultation of the specialist in physiotherapy and, since it is a minimally invasive procedure, does not require specific care after undergoing the technique in question. If it is complemented with other treatments, it is possible that the specialist considers that the patient should follow specific habits, although it will always be under his indications. There are also some devices that allow the treatment to be performed at home with the prior prescription of the specialist in any case.

Alternatives to this treatment

Magnet therapy is an innovative technique that achieves amazing results. The body is induced in a natural way to its own healing without side effects, besides being painless for the patient. Its results last in the long term, making it a state-of-the-art procedure.

It can also be complemented with other techniques such as acupuncture to optimize its benefits, although it will always be according to the indication of the specialist.