Sports Medical Examination

What is a sports medical check-up?

Sports medical check-ups are all those tests concerning the state of health of sportsmen and women, which are essential to do sports safely. It is recommended to carry it out annually or every time you want to start a new sport, to know if you are physically prepared to practice it.

What does the sports medical examination consist of?

It consists of a series of tests:

  • Anamnesis: analysis of the medical history and personal and family history.
  • General physical examination: consists of certain examinations to confirm or not the diagnosis of a possible pathology.
  • Assessment of the musculoskeletal system: examination of the pelvis, spine, ankles, knees, etc.
  • Cardiovascular assessment: checking blood pressure and auscultation.
  • Electrocardiogram: obtains a graph of the heart’s electrical activity.
  • Respiratory assessment: pulmonary auscultation and spirometry (measures lung capacity and volume).
  • Cineanthropometry: weight and height are checked.
  • Body composition: calculation of bone, muscle and fat weight.
  • Isometric strength assessment: measurement of the capacity of the muscles when they try to shorten during exertion.
  • Hamstring flexibility assessment: measurement of the capacity of the hamstrings (at the back of the thighs).
  • Aerobic endurance test assessment: consists of running on a running track or treadmill. The accumulation of lactate in the blood is calculated as the pace increases, the anaerobic threshold, the aerobic threshold and the VO2 max are calculated.
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Why is a sports medical examination performed?

The objective of the sports medical examination is to confirm that a person is prepared for a specific sporting activity. Thus, it studies the locomotor and cardiovascular system, in order to prevent or avoid problems related to physical exercise.

Preparation for the sports medical examination

Before undergoing the test, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Wear sports clothes
  • Do not exercise 24 hours before the test.
  • Eat light meals, do not smoke, do not drink coffee, alcohol or stimulants on the day of the examination.
  • Bring two previous medical reports

Significance of abnormal results of the sports medical examination

With the results obtained, it is possible to diagnose metabolic alterations, cardiovascular diseases and even a predisposition to suffer a sudden death.