Postpolio Syndrome

What is post-polio syndrome?

Post-polio syndrome is a rare neurological condition that can affect people who have been affected by polio in the past. It involves the return of polio symptoms years or even decades (10-40 years) after the original polio infection.

Because polio was eradicated in the United Kingdom in the 1980s, post-polio syndrome only affects older adults who contracted polio at an earlier age. Even so, there are more than 100,000 British polio survivors alive today.


Post-polio syndrome is rarely life-threatening, although if someone develops breathing and swallowing difficulties in connection with the condition, they may be more vulnerable to chest infections.

There are different tests that can be performed on patients to diagnose their disease.

Symptoms of the syndrome

Symptoms tend to develop gradually, and may include:

  • General fatigue
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Muscle weakness and muscle wasting
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Breathing and swallowing problems
  • Weight gain due to reduced physical activity
  • Difficulty walking
  • Sleep apnea

How can this syndrome be diagnosed?

It can be difficult to diagnose the syndrome, because:

  • It is not always clear whether someone has had polio in the past. This is because many people who have had polio have fought off the infection without being diagnosed.
  • There is a relative lack of knowledge about polio among health care professionals, many of whom have never had to diagnose a case.
  • Post-polio syndrome can easily be confused with other conditions, such as arthritis.
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Your primary care doctor may suspect polio if you have had it in the past and your symptoms have developed gradually. You may be referred to other specialists for tests that can rule out other possible conditions. These tests may include:

  • An MRI or CT scan of the bones and muscles.
  • Sleep studies to diagnose sleep apnea
  • Pulmonary function tests to check how well you can breathe.
  • Electromyography (EMG) tests to see if there is any nerve or muscle damage.

How is the syndrome treated?

The syndrome cannot be cured and the progression of the condition cannot be slowed. Treatment focuses on symptom management, and may include:

  • Physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles
  • Speech therapy to help with any swallowing difficulties
  • Treatment of sleep apnea, including advice on changing sleep patterns
  • Medication to relieve joint and muscle pain
  • Advice on how to conserve energy with pacing techniques
  • Mobility equipment, such as a walker or scooter, to help you get around.

It may be helpful for you to manage your condition better by controlling your weight and eating healthy, to help reduce any strain on your muscles and joints.

The health care team for the syndrome is likely to be diverse, consisting of physical therapists, occupational therapists, neurologists, and speech and language therapists.